
  • 30 min | Última modificación: Diciembre 10, 2020

Text Analytics with Python

Ejemplo de una gramática ambigüa

S -> NP VP

PP -> P NP

NP -> Det N
   |  Det N PP
   | 'I'

VP -> V NP
   |  VP PP

Det -> 'an'
    | 'my'

N -> 'elephant'
  |  'pajamas'

V -> 'shot'

P -> 'in'

Aplicación a la frase:

I shot and elephant in my pijamas

Aplicación (parte 1)

Frase                                    Regla           Stack
>I< shot an elephant in my pijamas                       S

>I< shot an elephant in my pijamas       S -> NP VP      (S NP VP)

>I< shot an elephant in my pijamas       NP -> Det N     (S NP VP)
Falla Det -> 'an' | 'my' pero >I<

>I< shot an elephant in my pijamas       NP -> Det N PP  (S NP VP)
Falla Det -> 'an' | 'my' pero >I<

>I< shot an elephant in my pijamas       NP -> 'I'       (S (NP I) VP)

>shot< an elephant in my pijamas         VP -> V NP      (S (NP I) (VP V NP))
Ambiguo  VP tiene dos posibles reglas

>shot< an elephant in my pijamas         V -> 'shot'     (S (NP I) (VP (V shot) NP))

>an< elephant in my pijamas              NP -> Det N     (S (NP I) (VP (V shot) (NP  Det N)))

>an< elephant in my pijamas              Det -> 'an'     (S (NP I) (VP (V shot) (NP  (Det an) N)))

>elephant< in my pijamas                 N -> 'Elephant' (S (NP I) (VP (V shot) (NP  (Det an) (N Elephant)))
Falla. No se reconocio toda la frase

Aplicación (parte 2)

Frase                                    Regla           Stack
(de la tabla anterior)

>I< shot an elephant in my pijamas       NP -> 'I'       (S (NP I) VP)

>shot< an elephant in my pijamas         VP -> VP PP     (S (NP I) (VP VP PP))
Ambiguo  VP tiene dos posibles reglas

>shot< an elephant in my pijamas         VP -> V NP      (S (NP I)
Ambiguo  VP tiene dos posibles reglas                       (VP
                                                              (VP V NP)

>shot< an elephant in my pijamas         V -> shot       (S (NP I)
                                                              (VP (V shot) NP)

>an< elephant in my pijamas              NP -> Det N     (S (NP I)
Dos posibles reglas                                         (VP
                                                              (VP (V shot) (NP Det N))

>an< elephant in my pijamas              Det -> an       (S (NP I)
                                                              (VP (V shot) (NP (Det an) N))

>elephant< in my pijamas                 N -> 'elephant' (S (NP I)
                                                              (VP (V shot) (NP (Det an) (N elephant))

>in< my pijamas                          PP -> P NP      (S (NP I)
                                                              (VP (V shot) (NP (Det an) (N elephant))
                                                              (PP P NP)))

>in< my pijamas                          P -> in         (S (NP I)
                                                               (VP (V shot) (NP (Det an) (N elephant))
                                                               (PP (P in) NP)))

>my< pijamas                             NP -> Det N     (S (NP I)
                                                              (VP (V shot) (NP (Det an) (N elephant))
                                                              (PP (P in) (NP Det N))))

>my< pijamas                             Det -> my       (S (NP I)
                                                              (VP (V shot) (NP (Det an) (N elephant))
                                                              (PP (P in) (NP (Det my) N))))

>pijamas<                                N -> pijamas    (S (NP I)
                                                              (VP (V shot) (NP (Det an) (N elephant))
                                                              (PP (P in) (NP (Det my) (N pijamas)))))

><                                                       (S (NP I)
                                                              (VP (V shot) (NP (Det an) (N elephant))
                                                              (PP (P in) (NP (Det my) (N pijamas)))))

Ejercicio Complete la tabla siguiente:

Frase                                    Regla           Stack
(de la tabla inicial)

>I< shot an elephant in my pijamas       NP -> 'I'       (S (NP I) VP)

>shot< an elephant in my pijamas         VP -> V NP      (S (NP I)

import nltk
## Implementación en NLTK
groucho_grammar = nltk.CFG.fromstring(
    S   -> NP VP

    PP  -> P NP

    NP  -> Det N  |  Det N PP  |  'I'

    VP  -> V NP  |  VP PP

    Det -> 'an'  |  'my'

    N   -> 'elephant'  |  'pajamas'

    V   -> 'shot'

    P   -> 'in'

## Dos posibles descomposiciones de la misma frase
## usando la gramatica anterior
sent = ["I", "shot", "an", "elephant", "in", "my", "pajamas"]
parser = nltk.ChartParser(groucho_grammar)
for tree in parser.parse(sent):
  (NP I)
    (VP (V shot) (NP (Det an) (N elephant)))
    (PP (P in) (NP (Det my) (N pajamas)))))
  (NP I)
    (V shot)
    (NP (Det an) (N elephant) (PP (P in) (NP (Det my) (N pajamas))))))

Gramática libre del contexto

## Gramática libre del contexto
##   Ejemplo de una gramática estructuralmente ambigua
grammar1 = nltk.CFG.fromstring(
    S -> NP VP

    VP -> V NP | V NP PP

    PP -> P NP

    V -> "saw" | "ate" | "walked"

    NP -> "John" | "Mary" | "Bob" | Det N | Det N PP

    Det -> "a" | "an" | "the" | "my"

    N -> "man" | "dog" | "cat" | "telescope" | "park"

    P -> "in" | "on" | "by" | "with"

sent = "Mary saw Bob".split()
rd_parser = nltk.RecursiveDescentParser(grammar1)
for tree in rd_parser.parse(sent):

##   S    Sentence
##   NP   Noun phrase
##   VP   Verb phrase
##   PP   Prepositional phrase
##   Det  Determiner
##   N    Noun
##   V    Verb
##   P    Preposition
(S (NP Mary) (VP (V saw) (NP Bob)))

Ejercicio Construya el arbol que deriva la expresión anterior.

Escritura de y almacenamiento de una gramática

%%writefile mygrammar.cfg
S -> NP VP
VP -> V NP | V NP PP
PP -> P NP
V -> "saw" | "ate" | "walked"
NP -> "John" | "Mary" | "Bob" | Det N | Det N PP
Det -> "a" | "an" | "the" | "my"
N -> "man" | "dog" | "cat" | "telescope" | "park"
P -> "in" | "on" | "by" | "with"
Overwriting mygrammar.cfg
## Lectura del archivo y parsing de la frase
import nltk

grammar1 ='file:mygrammar.cfg')
sent = "Mary saw Bob".split()
rd_parser = nltk.RecursiveDescentParser(grammar1, trace=1)
for tree in rd_parser.parse(sent):
Parsing 'Mary saw Bob'
Found a parse:
(S (NP Mary) (VP (V saw) (NP Bob)))
(S (NP Mary) (VP (V saw) (NP Bob)))
## Gramática recursiva
##   Se dice que una gramática es recursiva si el nombre
##   de la regla también aparece al lado derecho
##   - Recursión directa:  Nom -> Adj Nom
##   - Recursión indirecta: S -> NP VP  &  VP -> V S
grammar2 = nltk.CFG.fromstring(
    S  -> NP VP

    NP -> Det Nom | PropN

    Nom -> Adj Nom | N

    VP -> V Adj | V NP | V S | V NP PP

    PP -> P NP

    PropN -> 'Buster' | 'Chatterer' | 'Joe'

    Det -> 'the' | 'a'

    N -> 'bear' | 'squirrel' | 'tree' | 'fish' | 'log'

    Adj  -> 'angry' | 'frightened' |  'little' | 'tall'

    V ->  'chased'  | 'saw' | 'said' | 'thought' | 'was' | 'put'

    P -> 'on'
## Ejemplo de recursión por frases nominales anidadas
sent = "the angry bear chased the frightened little squirrel".split()
rd_parser = nltk.RecursiveDescentParser(grammar2)
for tree in rd_parser.parse(sent):
  (NP (Det the) (Nom (Adj angry) (Nom (N bear))))
    (V chased)
      (Det the)
      (Nom (Adj frightened) (Nom (Adj little) (Nom (N squirrel)))))))
## Ejemplo de recursión por sentencias anidadas
sent = "Chatterer said Buster thought the tree was tall".split()
rd_parser = nltk.RecursiveDescentParser(grammar2)
for tree in rd_parser.parse(sent):
  (NP (PropN Chatterer))
    (V said)
      (NP (PropN Buster))
        (V thought)
        (S (NP (Det the) (Nom (N tree))) (VP (V was) (Adj tall)))))))

Parser recursivo descendente

Este parser NO puede manejar recusión por la izquierda (X -> X Y) ya que genera ciclos infinitos.

grammar1 = nltk.CFG.fromstring(
    S -> NP VP

    VP -> V NP  |  V NP PP

    PP -> P NP

    V -> "saw"  |  "ate"  |  "walked"

    NP -> "John"  |  "Mary"  |  "Bob"  |  Det N  |  Det N PP

    Det -> "a"  |  "an"  |  "the"  |  "my"

    N -> "man"  |  "dog"  |  "cat" |  "telescope"  |  "park"

    P -> "in"  |  "on"  |  "by"  |  "with"

Parsing de la frase “Mary saw a dog”.

Frase                    Regla           Stack
>Mary< saw a dog                         S

>Mary< saw a dog         S -> NP VP      (S NP VP)

>Mary< saw a dog         NP -> "John"    (S NP VP)          Falla, backtracking

>Mary< saw a dog         NP -> "Mary"    (S (NP Mary) VP)   Match, consume el símbolo

>saw< a dog              VP -> V NP      (S
                                           (NP Mary)
                                           (VP V NP))

>saw< a dog              V -> "saw"      (S                 Match, consume el símbolo
                                           (NP Mary)
                                           (VP (V saw) NP))

>a< dog                  NP -> "John"    (S                 Falla, backtracking
                                           (NP Mary)
                                           (VP (V saw) NP))

>a< dog                  NP -> "Mary"    (S                 Falla, backtracking
                                           (NP Mary)
                                           (VP (V saw) NP))

>a< dog                  NP -> "Bob"     (S                 Falla, backtracking
                                           (NP Mary)
                                           (VP (V saw) NP))

>a< dog                  NP -> Det N     (S
                                           (NP Mary)
                                             (V saw)
                                             (NP Det N)))

>a< dog                  Det -> "a"      (S                 Match, consume el símbolo
                                           (NP Mary)
                                             (V saw)
                                             (NP (Det a) N)))

>dog<                    N -> "man"      (S                 Falla, backtracking
                                           (NP Mary)
                                             (V saw)
                                             (NP (Det a) N)))

>dog<                    N -> "dog"      (S                 Match, consume el símbolo
                                           (NP Mary)
                                             (V saw)
                                             (NP (Det a) (N dog))))

><                       N -> "dog"      (S
                                           (NP Mary)
                                             (V saw)
                                             (NP (Det a) (N dog))))

La sentencia fue reconocida correctamente: No hay símbolos por consumir, y no quedan reglas por reemplazar en el stack.

## Llame la función usando diferentes valores para el
## parámetro trace
rd_parser = nltk.RecursiveDescentParser(grammar1, trace=1)
sent = 'Mary saw a dog'.split()
for tree in rd_parser.parse(sent):
Parsing 'Mary saw a dog'
Found a parse:
(S (NP Mary) (VP (V saw) (NP (Det a) (N dog))))
(S (NP Mary) (VP (V saw) (NP (Det a) (N dog))))

Shift-reduce Parsing

Operación de un parser shift-reduce.

  S -> NP VP

 VP -> V NP
    | V NP PP

 PP -> P NP

  V -> "saw"
    | "ate"
    | "walked"

 NP -> "John"
    | "Mary"
    | "Bob"
    | Det N
    | Det N PP

Det -> "a"
    | "an"
    | "the"
    | "my"

  N -> "man"
    | "dog"
    | "cat"
    | "telescope"
    | "park"

  P -> "in"
    | "on"
    | "by"
    | "with"
Op.     Regla          Stack                     Remaining Text
                                         the dog saw a man in the park<

shift                  the               dog saw a man in the park<

reduce   Det -> the    (Det the)         dog saw a man in the park<

shift                  (Det the)         saw a man in the park<

reduce  N -> dog       (Det the)         saw a man in the park<
                       (N dog)

reduce  NP -> Det N    (NP               saw a man in the park<
                         (Det the)
                         (N dog))

shift                  (NP               a man in the park<
                         (Det the)
                         (N dog))

reduce  V -> saw       (NP               a man in the park<
                         (Det the)
                         (N dog))
                       (V saw)

shift                  (NP               man in the park<
                         (Det the)
                         (N dog))
                       (V saw)

reduce  Det -> a       (NP               man in the park<
                         (Det the)
                         (N dog))
                       (V saw)
                       (Det a)

shift                  (NP               in the park<
                         (Det the)
                         (N dog))
                       (V saw)
                       (Det a)

reduce  N -> man       (NP               in the park<
                         (Det the)
                         (N dog))
                       (V saw)
                       (Det a)
                       (N man)

reduce  NP -> Det N    (NP               in the park<
                         (Det the)
                         (N dog))
                       (V saw)
                         (Det a)
                         (N man))

shift                  (NP               the park<
                         (Det the)
                         (N dog))
                       (V saw)
                         (Det a)
                         (N man))

reduce  P -> in        (NP               the park<
                         (Det the)
                         (N dog))
                       (V saw)
                         (Det a)
                         (N man))
                       (P in)

shift                  (NP               park<
                         (Det the)
                         (N dog))
                       (V saw)
                         (Det a)
                         (N man))
                       (P in)

reduce  P -> in        (NP               park<
                         (Det the)
                         (N dog))
                       (V saw)
                         (Det a)
                         (N man))
                       (P in)
                       (Det the)

shift                  (NP               <
                         (Det the)
                         (N dog))
                       (V saw)
                         (Det a)
                         (N man))
                       (P in)
                       (Det the)

reduce  N -> park      (NP               <
                         (Det the)
                         (N dog))
                       (V saw)
                         (Det a)
                         (N man))
                       (P in)
                       (Det the)
                       (N park)

reduce  NP -> Det N    (NP               <
                         (Det the)
                         (N dog))
                       (V saw)
                         (Det a)
                         (N man))
                       (P in)
                         (Det the)
                         (N park))

reduce  PP -> P NP     (NP               <
                         (Det the)
                         (N dog))
                       (V saw)
                         (Det a)
                         (N man))
                         (P in)
                           (Det the)
                           (N park)))

reduce  NP -> NP PP    (NP               <
                         (Det the)
                         (N dog))
                       (V saw)
                           (Det a)
                           (N man))
                           (P in)
                             (Det the)
                             (N park))))

reduce  VP -> V VP     (NP               <
                         (Det the)
                         (N dog))
                         (V saw)
                             (Det a)
                             (N man))
                             (P in)
                               (Det the)
                               (N park)))))

reduce  S -> NP VP     (S                 <
                           (Det the)
                           (N dog))
                           (V saw)
                               (Det a)
                               (N man))
                               (P in)
                                 (Det the)
                                 (N park))))))

OK! se llego a S y no hay texto pendiente por procesar.

## Ejemplo Shift-reduce parsing
sr_parser = nltk.ShiftReduceParser(grammar1, trace=1)
sent = 'Mary saw a dog'.split()
for tree in sr_parser.parse(sent):
Parsing 'Mary saw a dog'
    [ * Mary saw a dog]
    [ 'Mary' * saw a dog]
    [ NP 'saw' * a dog]
    [ NP V 'a' * dog]
    [ NP V Det 'dog' * ]
(S (NP Mary) (VP (V saw) (NP (Det a) (N dog))))

Ejercicio.— Aplique un parser shift-reduce a la frase “Mary saw a dog”.